What the actual fuck? Seriously. Cramming 8+ books into a one-off movie while bastardizing the source and ignoring the points was not the right choice for this. Huge fan of the books and hopeful for Mike Flannigan’s series but this was an insult and hurt to watch. It’s still kind of a fun flick but I totally had to remove myself from all expectations it was anything like the King’s vision.
Loved Idris Elba as Roland but hated the low-budget feel of the wilderness as well as almost everything about the plot. Felt like someone took the proper nouns and pulled plot points out of a hat. Truly a miss. Still fun to see Midworld, though.
#TheDarkToilet#Rolanddonewrong#allthingsmissedthebeam#wherewasOy? #noEddietoo?! #skip#horror#horrorfilms#horrormovie