Now this was a ride. A neon borderline-dystopian setting with hardened war veterans battling an aggravated gang of drugged-up psychopaths couldn’t have been more beautiful. I loved Stephen Lang taking on the mantle of ‘geezer with a vengeance’ and the action was a blood-soaked fever dream. Each veteran was their own story and they all come together to fight their last fight. This was a low budget grindhouse action story with great music.
Loved the 80s sensibilities and lofi violence. Hated the focus on the drug lord and his minions. He was charismatic but I had a hard time not loving that and rooting for the vets. Still, a triumph in all regards and a good time eating popcorn. I (think that was popcorn.) I also love William Sadler and Fred Williamson. Joe Begos ftw.