Holy cow this movie was a monster. I loved it. From the puppy-dog face of Godzilla chasing the boat to the monstrous incineration of the cities, I was in. This was refreshing and classic at the same time. A Japanese Zero pilot lands and is faced with the horrors of war far beyond what he could imagine. From the first attack on the small island to the scientific approach to a conclusion this movie delivered on its potential to showcase the atomic lizard in all his beautiful glory.
Loved the inherited family from tragedy that caused him to vie for himself once again in the face of a monstrous horror. I do understand the allegorical nature of Godzilla and appreciated the point in that it needed to focus on the fallout and the pain but felt the movie itself dragged in the third quarter a bit but really didn’t hate much. Did also really enjoy the rag-tag team of soldiers and the visuals were incredible.