Holy cow this movie is a beast to reckon with. So savage and beautiful. And, chock full of military response to a werewolf pack which is exactly what I needed. Think ‘Predator’ but in the Scottish highlands and lycanthropes rather than an alien. The creatures themselves are behemoths and the action is intensity. Neil Marshall would go on to do Doomsday, the Descent and Hellboy (2019) and I love all of them. This guy horrors.
Loved the gigantic and monstrous portrayal of the werewolves and the resourcefulness of the soldiers. I thought the grainy film was great aside from it adding a bit of confusion with the shadows but that could’ve just been because I watched it on a cardboard box I drew a television on.
#dogsoldiers #neilmarshall #werewolves #werewolfs #manwolfs #tallwolfs #horrorfilms #horrormovies #horror