This is a modern day slasher that somehow encapsulates some campy nostalgia whilst being creatively violent a la Eli Roth. Roth served a steaming turkey platter of gore and canned bloodberry sauce…with giblets…—lost where I was going with that. I loved the cynicism of consumerism in the beginning and its traumatic echoes throughout. That Black Friday scene was brutal and seemed very realistic. The rest of the movie played out in an ‘I Know What You Did Last Thanksgiving’ way which I enjoyed. It’s not perfect and can be downright ridiculous but I feel that’s part of its charm along with the seasonal vibe and whodunit plot.
Normally Eli Roth is a little ‘torture porn’-y for my taste but he does do some bangers and I respect him as a sterling member of the Splat Pack. Love his History of Horror show the most. Hated that this flick drags and leaps but the kills were fun and the ending was somewhat expected but a good time.