Stylistically, this film is my jam. Subject-wise, it was my cup of tea. Pacing-wise, it was a bee in my eye. Why didn’t this film gallop like a death bug in the Rockies? It just slogged on from conversation to conversation about world-ending bugs without very much revelation and totally skimps on the breakdown of society which is a big draw back for me for apocalyptic films. The acting was solid and the graphics were good but the white-knuckle ratio was out of whack and the twist was a little jerky. I can see why others don’t enjoy this flick but I kinda did.
A desperate father has to go below the elevation limit of indestructible hell beetles. Done. Simple. Why the long, slow burn?
Again, loved the atmosphere and the visuals. The cold frontier and the remnants of humanity was not lost on me but I was hoping for more umph for my buck. Hated the slowness of it and, although the dialogue seemed real enough, we only get a few characters that have any story at all. Ending was fun but, that twist was ominous and confusing. Would enjoy a sequel to answer some questions, though.
#elevation#deathbugs#starshiptroopers#slowashell ##horrorfilms#horrmovies#horror