I was expecting an Evil Dead-adjacent movie and pretty much got what I was there for. Ash(very anti-Ash actually) and co. fight a zombie/demon horde to save the most holiest of holidays; Black Friday. Devon Sawa… Man; never thought I’d review this guy but hands-down, a solid return and a straight badass. A rag-tag group of toy store workers band together to defeat an onslaught of parasite-infected patrons only to be dead-center in the horrific amalgamation of all things consumer. The customer is always hungry for blood. This was not a sequel to Ice Cube’s ‘Friday’ like I almost anticipated but that would’ve been incredible.
I love Bruce Campbell, and Devon Sawa ruled. It was a fun, adrenaline rush through the holiday’s most sacred tradition of needing more for less regardless of cost to the point where people die violently. There are fake-outs and twists I wasn’t expecting; this was a fun romp through consumerism in all its blood-drenched glory. We get twinkling lights, wrapping presents and an unholy hell-beast bent on destruction; just like the good ol days of post-Thanksgiving shopping with my grandma. The setting was fun but underutilized and Campbell’s performance ended up almost secondary to the plot. I did not love some of the long-winded moments of arguing and waiting but I loved the festive and frenetic storytelling. Hated that it did end up like an episode of Ash vs the Evil Dead without Ash and the deadites.