I love metal. I love black metal. I love demonic movies. I loved this. When a deviant band plays a satanic conjuring chant in their music, the dead rise and it’s a bloody good time. The corpse paint in the fantasies killed me and the music was epic. When they find out they are summoning demons, the movie goes fubar towards a climax of sacrifice, blood and heavy riffs.
Hesher meets Evil Dead. Loved Brodie’s fantasies about Medina but hated the subplot of Zakk being a douche about it. Luckily, the good guy wins and the town is saved for a moment from the cult of Aeloth via general chug-chugging baddassery. I’m a sucker for Norwegian black metal motifs and horror comedies; this was a shoe-in for sure. Hated some of the graphics and subplots but can easily overlook this to absorb this movie and its soundtrack into my soul.