What can be said about this flick that hasn’t already been hammered into the zeitgeist other than it is one of my favorite movies on a very personal level. I remember being a kid and being horrified by the library ghost and loving the superhero aspect of ghost hunting. Harold Ramis will always pluck the heart strings as Egon and Billy Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and Rick Moranis will always have a place in those dark recesses of my soul. This movie is not only hilarious but epic in its own right. Truly a masterpiece.
Loved the chemistry between the team (including Janine) and the spook-level was off the charts. This movie plays it sincerely and circumstantially where the absurd is accented by the drama. There’s a huge nostalgia factor here but, subjectively, this is the epitome of horror comedy in my opinion.
Hated that the sequel got so corny at the end it was difficult to love but I love it nonetheless. There’s a charm inherent to the ghostbusters that, I feel, will never be replicated.
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